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北京 BEIJING : 领导力工作坊系列 Leadership Workshop Series

价格: ¥2,200

2018年4月21日 星期六 13:30 至 6月10日 星期日 17:00
Business Casual
北京 Beijing. 研讨会地址将在报名成功后提供。 Exact workshop address will be provided upon successful registration.
主办方: Inner Circles 更多活动

价格: ¥2,200

北京 BEIJING : 领导力工作坊系列 Leadership Workshop Series

2018年4月21日 星期六 13:30 至 6月10日 星期日 17:00 北京 Beijing. 研讨会地址将在报名成功后提供。 Exact workshop address will be provided upon successful registration.

价格: ¥2,200

时间 地点

2018年4月21日 星期六 13:30 至 6月10日 星期日 17:00

北京 Beijing. 研讨会地址将在报名成功后提供。 Exact workshop address will be provided upon successful registration. 北京 Beijing. 研讨会地址将在报名成功后提供。 Exact workshop address will be provided upon successful registration.


主办方 联系主办方

Inner Circles

Inner Circles


Where incredible women unleash their potential

扫描右侧二维码关注Inner Circles公众号, 了解更多关于Inner Circles团队、IMPACT蜕变之旅, 领导力+工作坊等相关内容

在Inner Circles,我们致力于实现女性的成长与蜕变。Inner Circles专注于为优秀女性创造安全的社群空间:在这里,我们一起思考生命之重,敞开心扉分享自己的梦想与恐惧,给予彼此支持和关怀,认识自己,发现自己,共同克服女性所面临的各种挑战。


Learn more about us including our faculty, the Inner Circles transformational IMPACT journey, our Leadership Plus Workshop Plus Series, by following our Inner Circles official account

At Inner Circles, we run transformational learning journeys for women. We’re famous for creating safe spaces for incredible women to reflect on what’s important and to open up to share honestly our dreams and fears and to get the support we need to overcome our challenges and unlock the leader within us.

We are home to a vibrant, active community of impressive alumnae committed to leading full lives rich with impact and to supporting their own growth as well as the growth of others. Women are awesome. We unleash women’s full potential so that, in an increasingly complex world, women can have big impact and make it a better place for everyone.






浏览: 1,843

我们选择了女性共同面临的六大常见挑战,将相关内容整理成了单独的Inner Circles领导力+工作坊,助力所有女性尽情释放自己的潜能。你可以挑选自己最感兴趣或目前最面临挑战的主题模块参加,立刻get应对这个挑战的工具宝盒,掌握Inner Circles独创的成长蜕变秘籍,为你的生活带来积极改变.

每场Inner Circles领导力+工作坊包含:1天半的面对面工作坊,包括宜人的活动场地、美味餐点和所有的内容工具等

We’ve taken the 6 biggest challenges women face on our journey to unleash our potential (that can be found as the basis of the Inner Circles transformational IMPACT journey), and made them available as stand-alone workshops. This means that you can choose the challenge you’re facing now, and immediately get access to the tools you need and the highly sought after Inner Circles methodology to start making positive change in your life right away. 

What’s included in each Inner Circles Leadership Workshop :

  • 1.5 days of facilitated workshops.  Hosted in beautiful locations, with full catering provided; all materials including a toolkit

具有影响力的有效沟通 Communicate with Influence


  • 我是否能找到一个安全的空间,可以随时讨论自己所面临的真实存在的沟通挑战?

  • 我如何能在大家互相支持的积极氛围下,得到真实的、有建设性的、利于我进步的反馈,而不是总被批评或抱怨?

  • 面对困难或不熟悉的情境时,我是否有工具能帮助自己进行有影响力的沟通?



Ask Yourself:
  • Where can I find a safe space to discuss the real communication challenges I’m facing?

  • How can I get the honest and constructive feedback I need to improve in a positive environment where people support each other (without criticism or complaining)?

  • What tools can I use to help me communicate with influence in the tough or unfamiliar situations I face?

“I’ve changed a lot. Throughout my career, I have been given consistent feedback that my direct communication style is off-putting. It’s often left me feeling frustrated. I got similar feedback in the program, but it was different, it was constructive. I could see where it was holding me back, and know how to improve. I’m now much more effective at leading others, this is exactly what I  needed.”

–VP Sales, Technology Company

提升信心,形成“影响力型”思维方式 Maximize Confidence, Embrace an Impact Mindset


·      我有哪些可实践的工具,来帮助自己建立和提升信心?

·      我是否足够强大与坚韧,能面对挑战和变化?

·      如果我勇敢地踏出自己的舒适圈,我的生活可能会发生什么变化呢?



Ask yourself:

  • What practical tools could I use to build up my self-confidence?

  • Am I being as resilient and strong as I can in times of challenge and change?

  • What would look different in my life if I spent more time outside my comfort zone?

“This workshop was not at all what I expected. I thought it would be a normal training with a PPT, a book, and passive listening.  I opened up, shared my life,and became so connected to the group. I now understand you can’t just study your way to have confidence, it comes with reflection and choice, and I’m making new choices every day that are leading to bigger and better things for me.”

–40s, Head of Research, Pharmaceutical Company, mom of two






Where incredible women unleash their potential

扫描右侧二维码关注Inner Circles公众号, 了解更多关于Inner Circles团队、IMPACT蜕变之旅, 领导力+工作坊等相关内容

在Inner Circles,我们致力于实现女性的成长与蜕变。Inner Circles专注于为优秀女性创造安全的社群空间:在这里,我们一起思考生命之重,敞开心扉分享自己的梦想与恐惧,给予彼此支持和关怀,认识自己,发现自己,共同克服女性所面临的各种挑战。


Learn more about us including our faculty, the Inner Circles transformational IMPACT journey, our Leadership Plus Workshop Plus Series, by following our Inner Circles official account

At Inner Circles, we run transformational learning journeys for women. We’re famous for creating safe spaces for incredible women to reflect on what’s important and to open up to share honestly our dreams and fears and to get the support we need to overcome our challenges and unlock the leader within us.

We are home to a vibrant, active community of impressive alumnae committed to leading full lives rich with impact and to supporting their own growth as well as the growth of others. Women are awesome. We unleash women’s full potential so that, in an increasingly complex world, women can have big impact and make it a better place for everyone.


